Monday, January 14, 2008

Things I did instead of sleeping or doing work:

Things I did instead of sleeping or doing work:
  • Watched every youtube video I could find on Staceyann Chin
  • Worked out to Sweating in the Spirit
  • Cleaned my kitchen
  • Used my new washer and dryer to do laundry
  • googled Helena's hot cell mate on the L Word Lucia Rijker
  • Started cleaning my living room until I spotted a waste belt I bought for working out which inspired me to begin working out at 3:30 am
  • Began writing this post
  • Wondered what the hell is wrong with me and why I decided to pull an all nighter for no apparent reason
  • Realized that staying up til 5am (again for no apparent reason) and working out gives you a headache

Clearly I need help!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought i was the only one! I am a grad student "studying my people" too and I appreciated this post. I spent way to much time last week googling L word characters, when I should of been reading and writing. Glad I am not the lone procrastinater that I thought I was. Get back to work.

“I remember how being young and black and gay and lonely felt. A lot of it was fine, feeling I had the truth and the light and the key, but a lot of it was purely hell.” ~Audre Lorde